denying destiny

March 29, 2007

What I’ve learned about branding today: (and, yes, this does apply to companies … read between the lines)


This is what’s happening. We’re not confident enough that who we are at the core is what the world needs. So our message becomes inconsistent with the true tone of authenticity that brought us to where we are now. We’re here because a few years ago we became desperate for something beyond ourselves. We caught a glimpse of who we could be and fought against all odds to see it become a reality. Now we’re here, opportunity within reach and we question the voice that once said, “I am going to do something in your day that you will not believe.” It’s destiny’s dark side … apathy. Will we cower and join the ranks of a lost humanity that once burned with a passionate pursuit of moments that would change the course of history? Will we step aside and become slaves to mediocrity and conformity just to maintain what we have? Or will we believe that what we have to say will fall on ears that need nothing more than the hope? Hope that will raise them up out of the ashes and inspire them to rebuild what has been devasted for generations.


I have to believe that’s why I’m here. I have to believe that what I’m fighting for will empower others to change the world in a way that is unique to who they are.


Attempting to connect the seemingly disconnected,



3 Responses to “denying destiny”

  1. kim said

    Hey there. You speak as one with a prophetic voice….which means you will always fight the feeling of disgust toward those who seem to be happy settling for mediocrity.

    I’m going to crank my blog back up here in a while. I’ll let you know when I’m back on it.

    Did I offend you with my comment about your favorite beverage? 🙂

  2. Luke said

    You could have just plugged my name in there.

  3. Amit said

    What ever happened to perception? I mean, mediocrity to one cld be the best to another or the worst to someone else.
    Its all up in the head. If a person can sleep and live in peace, all this just doesnt matter.
    Some things are worth dying for… and some things… well you need to rethink your priorities..
    But then I aint here to judge, Im just a drifter, looking for an anchor… but then should I be looking for 1 now??? 😛 hahaha

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