
January 12, 2007

after reading galations 3 and cross-referencing some other verses, i began to understand something. i feel slightly convicted that perhaps legalism has taken over spiritual activism.

this would be my fault entirely for not being intentional about reading the word and having meaningful dialog with christ. i also accredit my past experiences with divinity in comparison to my present interaction as a slight obstacle as i am still learning to find Him without my memorabilia from past sacred, spiritual encounters. 

do i feel i can move forward in God’s plan for humanity by works and on my own merit (even if i’m subliminally giving christ credit for my talents) or am i ushering in the presence of God to intervene and bring forth victory among hopelessness? am i going far enough into the darkness that engaging in Him is my only hope of rescuing them?

how can i bring heaven to earth if i’m not connected to the Creator of all that is good and right?

is His name and His renown the ultimate desire of my heart?

are my actions making Him famous or me famous?

am i engaging in a battle that requires my full faith in His promises and power in and through me as a believer?

if not, legalism has taken precedence over promise. and legalism is not how i got to where i am today. i’m here because of faith. because who He is and what He promises for my life tugged harder than staying the same. i’m here because i was having conversations with God that changed the course of my future.

legalism makes us feel better about our own abilities. it was meant to bring us to christ by providing a knowledge of our sin, but it has become a replacement to the true power. it’s safe. 

living a life of faith and walking in grace requires that we remain humble enough to understand we need the power of the Holy Spirit, but bold enough to know the impact if we step into the world’s present reality. 

may His holiness dwell in me, unleashing purpose and potential for the good of others. 

may i never forget who i am when He is fully alive in me.

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